Our firm is a member of the:
World Jurist Association
Swiss Society of International Law
International Association of Economic Law
Global Law Experts
International Organization of Experts
International Association of Entertainment Lawyers
Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association
International Court of Mediation and Arbitration
Swiss Finance + Technology Association
Experts Without Borders
Generally, banks refuse to finance companies who need it the most. But they can trust the clients of these companies who are well established.
Discover how to finance your company through Factoring.
Private Offering of Securities
When banks refuse to finance your company or your project, you need to access to a private financing in venture capital.
Discover how to finance your company through a private offering of securities, in other words an offering of privately distributed securities. -
Initial Public Offering
To have banks rush to finance your activity, your company must be transparent in the eyes of all, thus public.
Discover how to finance your company through the Initial Public Offering while making a fortune for its shareholders.
The following publications illustrate the research works which members of our firm wrote:
- Agreement in Principle
- Assumptions & Financial Projections
- Bid, Ask & Spread definitions
- Breeding a Unicorn
- Business Conceptualization
- Business Model: A simple Financial Definition
- Business Plan: a simple Financial Definition
- Capital Acquistion Brokers by Maria Gonchar
- Capital Raise Timings or When shall we recieve the money?
- Compliance, a Spy Pretext
- Consent
- Due Diligence
- Equity Dilution
- Finance – Economy – Currency Definitions
- Financing
- From Cash Money Need to Private Capital
- Gentlemen's Agreement
- How & Why an Initial Public Offering makes Money
- How to get Financing ?
- Icebreaking Method to Learn a New
- Imaginary International Trade
- Incremental Price to Speed Up and Stabilize Private Equity Fundings Rounds
- Initial Public Offering - I.P.O. - IPO
- Intellectual Property Securities
- Investment Exit or Disinvestment
- Investment Principle and Capital Raise
- Investor's Moods
- Is your company ready for an I.P.O. Initial Public Offering ?
- Legal Engineering Tool: The Ownership Loop
- Letter of Intent - L.O.I
- Mezzanine Financing
- Offer and Acceptance
- Parley - Talks - Powwow
- Prehistorical Finance
- Primary and Secondary Markets
- Private Distribution of Securities
- Private Equity
- Private Equity Secondary Market Private
- Private Equity Investment: Where is the Exit, please?
- Recognize a Manipulator
- Relative Amount - Part 1: Probability Index
- The Smart Contract
- Secret, Confidentiality, Non Disclosure
- Stock Swap
- Stock Quote Solidity and Breakpoint
- Story for understanding music Copyrights
- Story for understanding music Neighboring Rights
- Term Sheets
- The 'Agreement in Principle'
- The 'Simple' Solution to Inflation
- The Cycle of the Action
- The Domino Effect
- The Idea
- The Jurist or Non-Bar Lawyer under Swiss Law
- The Matching Funds Process
- The Multilevel Brokerage Network
- The Perpetual Company
- The Power of One or the Definition of Genius
- The Protocol of Agreement
- The Roadshow
- The Securities Brokerage Network
- The Securities Subscription Agreement
- The Costs of The Deal
- The Theory of Objects - a Summary
- The Theory of Wagons applied to Initial Public Offerings - IPOs
- Ways of Going Public to the Stock Market
- Work for Hire
The following publications illustrate the research works which members of our firm wrote:
The following publications illustrate research works to which members of our firm took part in:
By reading the following text, you will understand the process of raising funds for your business. If you have any questions, they will be resolved by the end.
1.What reason should I use DHP and SIH
DHP offers a range of services such as private financing, bank credit, financial engineering, financial expertise, organization, restructuring and banking support.We also offer other legal advice on creation of legal entities, due diligence, corporate structures and establishment in Switzerland.Our goal is to help the entrepreneur realize their business dream and the firm does not participate in litigation.
2.How do I contact the firm
The easiest way for us to help you to make an appointment and come into our offices. You can do this at Swissjurists.com or call +41 22 510.25.00.
3.Can you help me with legal writing
This is a speciality. We can help with contracts, bylaws, resolutions, options and emption rights.
4.What other drafting can you help with
Financial drafting, commercial drafting, plans, short summaries and budgets
5.Can you tell me how to make a business plan
Of course. A business plan describes the new endeavour and explains its purpose and target market, It outlines market analysis, organizational and managerial structure, products and services and the marketing strategies for branding.
6.Do you have a shorter version
Yes, the executive summary, or short summary is a nutshell version.
7.Can I raise money based upon a business plan.
We would advise you to prepare a private offering memorandum. This is a legal document written by lawyers, which covers the main parts of a business plan. This is facts disclosed to investors through a lawyer.
8.So I use this to raise money
You can raise as much as your project requires, but this route is best suited when you need to raise at least USD 10 million.
9.Why should I not use banks and venture capitalists?
There are many alternative options, such as obtaining a loan from a bank or giving up equity to venture capitalists in return for finance.
10.In what country will I raise the money
We raise money through the United States market and specialise in this system.
11. Do I need to be a US based company and if so can you incorporate my company in the United States
Yes, this is the simple answer.
12. Why should I use the United States
Because of Liquidity and availability of capital in the US market. In simple terms this means you are much more likely to raise your money.
13. What is the mechanism by which the company becomes a US company
Through a stock SWAP
14. What are the main ways of raising financing
Through a Private Offering or an Initial Public Offering
15. Can I do a private offering and not an IPO
Yes, it is possible to raise money through just a private offering. A private offering is the process by which the company/ issuer issues securities for distribution in the private markets.
16. What are the questions that an investor usually asks
They will ask questions such as: how much do You need in total for Your project ? How do I recover my investment ?How long until I recovery investment ? What is my Guarantee? What are the risks ? Have You done it before ? What are the critical success factors ? What is in it for me ? How much profit can I make ?
17. When do we raise the money for a private offering
It depends. Investors may not invest. Large investment funds could invest in one day, but generally if they do this it is because they are protected by a strong due diligence process. The process typically takes six months to one year, but this can be affected by conditions.
18. Can anyone invest in a private offering
No, this is subject to legal regulation whereby the investor must be an accredited or, in other words, financially sophisticated or a financial professional.
19. How do I know if my company is ready for an IPO
You will be able to go public in the United States, with less stringent requirements for profitability than in Europe. The company should preferably be profitable or at least cash flow positive and have two years audited balance sheet.
20. Great and how do I make money from an IPO
The money that you make from an IPO arises from differences in valuation between the private and public market.
21. What do investors have to know about financing
The public market values the anticipation and to invest the investor needs to know that opportunity exists. In other words, he must be able to evaluate the gain/risk ratio.
22. Is there another way to go public apart from an IPO
Yes, either through a merger or reverse merger or through securities market forces.
23. Can you help me understanding the basic process of financing. What do I have to give up.
There are two main forms of financing. In the debt you will owe a sum of money to the investor which is the amount you have to obtain in addition to interest. With capital or equity, the investor will own shares in your company.
24. So with equity, will my shares be diluted by a new round.
Equity dilution involves stock or share dilution. This can result from : A primary market offering or an IPO, Employees exercising their stock options or Investors converting bonds into stocks.
25. Ok, so back to an IPO. What steps do I need to take to prepare for an IPO.
The process of an IPO takes shape over many months. Part of this is the due diligence procedure, which is the process of ensuring that the information contained in a file or prospectus is accurate and does not lend itself to a misrepresentation.
26. Can I pay for the IPO through a percentage of the money raised.
Commonly, DHP will require fees to be paid as the risk should be taken by the company and not the law firm.
27. What must I do for the due diligence
You must complete a due diligence plan, listing the purpose, objectives and issues. After this collect documents containing the alleged evidence and a history of due diligence. During an IPO each question and response must be entered into a due diligence history.
28. How does the roadshow work
The roadshow is a presentation organized by an issuer of securities and the syndicate of brokers and investment banks aiming at presenting to investors an opportunity of investment. The roadshow generates excitement and interest for the IPO.
29. Can I invest before an IPO and if so why would I
There are many reasons. This could be because there is a low price, there is a high yield, a very low break even point, low influence from the stock market, favourable IPO timing or a reliable audit.
30. When a person buys shares do they do so all in one go.
Not necessarily, the value may be different depending upon the timing of purchase. This is called the incremental price method.
31. Do investors require a legal document for the process
Of course. A subscription agreement is required for potential investors. This can be paid either directly to the Issuer or into a trustee account.
32. What is the incremental price method
This is the division of the securities into different phases. The price is calculated based on the risk associated with each phase. Thus there is more of an incentive reflected on a for early investment.
33. How long will the process take
The process of a Private Offering Memorandum will take 6 to 8 months, while an IPO can take two years.
34. Is there a quicker process
Yes, we also have a fast IPO service.
35. How are the securities distributed
A private offering is distributed through a private network connected to the firm DHP. A IPO takes place only through syndication.
36. What securities markets services can you help with
IPOs, bonds, and loans.
37.What are the questions that an investor usually asks
They will ask questions such as: how much do You need in total for Your project ? How do I recover my investment ?How long until I recovery investment ? What is my Guarantee? What are the risks ? Have You done it before ? What are the critical success factors ? What is in it for me ? How much profit can I make ?
38. What are the risks involved in this.
Disadvantages:The disadvantages are the non liquidity of investment, the access to liquidity, the risk of finality and the absence of a valuable history of background.
39. What are typical investment exit strategies
These include buyback of the shares of stock by the issuing company, acquisition of the shares of stock by a third-party, merger or reverse merger of the issuing company, exchange of the shares of common stock of the issuing company against those of a publicly listed company and Initial Public Offering (I.P.O.) of the shares of stock.
Contact Us
Geneva Branch Office
Rue Francois Bonivard, 10
6th Floor
1201 Geneva
Phone: +41 22 510.25.00
Facsimile: +41 22 510.25.01New York Branch Office
30 Wall Street, 8th Floor
19th Floor
10005 New York City, New York
United States of America
Phone: +1 561 827-1180Miami Branch Office
10287 NW 135th Street
Hialeah Gardens, Florida, 33018
United States of America
Phone: +1 561 827-1180
10100 Santa-Monica Boulevard - Suite 300
Los Angeles, California, 90067Phone:+1 310 594.20.48
E-mail: info@deschenaux.comContactez-nous
Politique de confidentialité.
Nous nous engageons à ne collecter aucun renseignement personnel, d'aucune sorte que ce soit.
Our convictions
We are international financial jurists because we believe going into litigation is already a failure. We do not believe in solutions arising from the courts of law.
Our legal team is entrepreneurial and tends to avoid litigation as much as possible.
We firmly believe that making money on the misery and strife of others is not a harmonious lifestyle.
This positive attitude allows us to be credible to our customers on important business, because they know they engage a representative without enemies from past disputes unrelated to them.
We believe that the modern lawyer must join forces with other professions and skills such as finance, marketing & communication.
Our practice as international financial jurists is exactly the opposite to that of attorneys-at-law.
We are builders making money on our clients' achievements and successes not on their woes and failures.
Generally we do not deal with disputes and litigations.
We do not appear in court except for the companies we administer or for free idealistic causes.
Obtain the Best possible result
We are efficiency oriented
Video Gallery
About us
What is Incorporation?What is an IPO?
What is a Private Financing?What is Private Offering?
What is a stock SWAP?
Global Awards Winner - 2024/25
Switzerland - Corporate lawyer of the Year
Switzerland - Corporate law Firm of the Year
Switzerland - Private Equity & Initial Public Offering Law Firm of the Year
Switzerland - Venture Capital Law Firm of the Year
Switzerland - Venture Capital Lawyer of the Year
Partner, The Reg A Conference
International Advisory Expert Author
Best Securities Law Firm – 2019
International Advisory Expert
AWARDS WINNER 2019Global Awards Winner
Corporate INTL Recommended Firm
Leaders in Law
Corporate USA Today Annual Awards 2019
Global Law Experts
Advisory Excellence 2018
2016's Most Innovative Law Firm
Our firm received the Most Innovative Law Firm award in 2016 for Marc Deschenaux's invention: Intellectual Property Securities.
Navigating IPOs in the post-COVID landscape
Lawyer Int - Legal 100
Initial Public Offering IPO and Private Equity Law
The benefits of an IPO - An Interview with Marc Deschenaux
SWITZERLANDBest Securities Law Firm – 2019
Corporate USA Today Annual Awards 2019
Having participated in 169 Initial Public Offerings and in more than 240 private equity offerings, Marc Deschenaux is recognized by both professional organizations as Global Law Expert in Venture Capital.
Marc Deschenaux also organized several governmental loans and the first cancelation of a national debt in the history.MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS
Marc Deschenaux is the Founder and Managing Partner of Deschenaux & Partners, LLP. His firm is a Non-bar law firm based in Geneva Switzerland and New York USA, specialising in corporate finance, all kinds of commercial contracts and financial agreements, intellectual property including licensing, franchising and securitization, as well as securities market transactions such as Private Equity and Initial Public Offerings.
They are pathfinders to financing for entrepreneurs and companies, so that they can realise their projects and ideas.
They are the world leading experts in financing law and in organisation of financings for start-ups, emerging and growing companies, as well as for institutions and governments.Venture Capital Law Firm of the Year in Switzerland
The founder of Deschenaux & Associés, Marc René François Deschenaux, began his professional career as a software developer writing trading applications for commodities and securities.
He wrote a small piece of software called “Autoarbitrage” which continuously scanned various securities and commodities prices to identify profitable arbitrage opportunities.
At a time when computerised trading was essentially unheard of, the program provided a huge advantage in terms of trade identification.
The program was capable of helping its user identify a profitable trade up to 105 minutes before conventional traders could reach the same conclusion.